Morton & Gettys continues program of sharing with the whole community
Last year, Morton & Gettys made donations to 10 different community nonprofits during our 20th Anniversary, as a way of sharing our celebration with the community that helped us grow.
Our giving meant so much to us, and those gift recipients, that we’re continuing in 2022.
Starting in the next few days, we’ll kick off M&G Gives 2022. We will highlight, and give $1,000, to a charitable organization each month. The difference this year is we are inviting all Morton & Gettys employees, attorneys and staff, to individually nominate charities personally special to them. We have already received several heartwarming nominations that we can’t wait to share over the coming months.
In addition to our M&G Gives 2022 program, the firm is often asked to sponsor nonprofit causes that make our community a better place. This page provides a broader list of organizations receiving support from Morton & Gettys.
Our hope with M&G Gives 2022 is not only to provide financial support to worthwhile missions, but also to use our social media platforms to increase community awareness of these agencies, and to encourage our neighbors to help as well, in any way they can. This giving program will continue through the end of the year.
“We had a great time doing this in 2021, so we saw no reason to stop,” said founding partner John Gettys. “My hope with this program is the same as it was last year – to inspire the people of our community to step forward to keep making Rock Hill an even better place to live, for all of our neighbors.”