Our rules for meeting with clients during the COVID-19 pandemic
At Morton & Gettys, we’re having to do what everyone else is doing during this health crisis – adjust to a new reality every day, as we all learn more about the threat posed by COVID-19.
For the time being, we will have face-to-face meetings with clients only in situations that require witnessed signatures. When that’s the case, we will take every precaution to protect everyone’s safety. Here’s how it will work:
- Visitors should not bring anyone else with them. If someone drives them to the meeting, the driver will need to wait outside.
- Clients will not be allowed to visit without an appointment.
- If you need to drop a document off with us, there will be a special box for that purpose in the parking garage by the mailbox. From our end, we will mail or FedEx documents to clients.
- Clients may make payments via credit or debit card over the phone. Or a check can either be mailed or left in the drop box on the first floor of the parking garage.
- A sign will be placed outside our front door asking all visitors to visit the restroom to wash their hands before entering our office.
- We will not be shaking hands with anyone until the threat has passed.
- To the extent possible, all meetings with visitors will occur in our large conference room, which allows the most room for spreading out and maintaining social distance.
- After each meeting in the conference room, all hard surfaces will be cleaned with antibacterial wipes, and Lysol will be used on soft surfaces.
Please bear with us. Meeting your legal needs is as important to us as ever. But it’s just as important to keep you, and us, healthy.