20th Anniversary, News
Elizabeth Smith Owen chooses newly formed York School District One Education Foundation to receive Morton & Gettys’ October gift

From left, Lisa Poston of the York School District One Foundation and Elizabeth Smith Owen and Anjelica Howard of Morton & Gettys.
Elizabeth Smith Owen had a vision to create an education foundation in her hometown to serve the York community and the York School District 1, the district she grew up in and graduated from.
With the help and shared vision of district and community leaders the York School District One Education Foundation, a 501©(3) nonprofit organization was created in 2020 with a focus on literacy, teacher grants, family and community engagement and facilities.
Elizabeth serves as the chairwoman for the founding board of directors.
Elizabeth has chosen the Foundation as the ninth of 10 community organizations to receive a $2,000 gift in celebration of Morton & Gettys law firm’s 20th anniversary. Each month of the program, attorneys and staff have taken turns making this selection.
“I couldn’t be prouder to invest in public education in a district and community that has given so much to me,” she said of her efforts to start and fund the Foundation.
York School District 1, one of four school districts in the county, did not previously have an education foundation. The district is the smallest in terms of student enrollment with 5,200 students, and the largest in geographic area, covering 316 miles. It comprises 10% of York County’s assessed value and has an overall poverty rate of 67.9%.
The Foundation exists to enhance relationships among businesses and communities by providing resources to enrich learning & maximize innovative opportunities in the York School District. Learn more at the website, https://ysd1foundation.org/.
“‘Our work and investment in the districts students and teachers is just beginning”” Elizabeth said of the Foundations efforts in awarding their first teacher grants in the spring of 2021. A new teacher grant cycle opened October 5th for district teachers to apply. “”The partnership with the community, local businesses, and the school district will develop great things for the future of students. I am proud to be a small part of that”
Elizabeth urges others to join Morton & Gettys in supporting the Foundation and the education of all students in our communities.
To help, click on the DONATE button on the organization’s homepage, or go straight to https://ysd1foundation.org/donate/.