
Power of Attorney

A power of attorney document allows you to have a say in who handles important matters for you if you are unable to do so. The attorneys at Morton & Gettys in Rock Hill can draft a Power of Attorney document that makes sure your needs are served while your rights are protected.

There are several types of Powers of Attorney in South Carolina:

  • Health Care Power of Attorney: This gives another person the authority to make health-related decisions if you should become incapacitated. You should make your wishes known to your designee. At the very least, have a conversation about your thoughts on issues such as life support. You also can draft a Living Will that spells out what type of care is or is not acceptable to you.
  • General Power of Attorney: This allows someone to act on your behalf in a wide range of areas, including insurance, real estate, finance and banking. That person, for example, would be able to pay your taxes and your bills.
  • Limited Power of Attorney: This narrows the general Power of Attorney. For example, by use this document, your designee could pay your bills but not be able to sell your assets.

Most Powers of Attorney include time limits. Creating a durable Power of Attorney can extend that automatically if you are mentally incompetent or incapacitated at the time it is due to expire.

It is easy these days to find a do-it-yourself Power of Attorney form online and complete it. That one-size-fits-all legal form, though, might not fit your specific needs. That is why it is important to consult an experienced legal professional such as the lawyers at Morton & Gettys. We will meet with you and discuss your unique situation. We will create a legal document that makes sure your personal business is taken care of but protects you from someone taking too many liberties.


John P. Gettys, Jr.

John P. Gettys, Jr.

Managing Partner

Heath Myers

Heath Myers
